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Check the electricity price with one glimpse

  • Instantly see when electricity is cheap

  • Save money by using electricity during off-peak hours 

  • Easy 3-minute setup

  • Works with Philips Hue





Please note that by registering for the pilot, you acknowledge that the service may experience unexpected downtime and errors. We appreciate any feedback you may have (

How does it work

How does it work

ePriceLight is a secure cloud service that integrates with your Philips Hue smart light system. It changes the colour of the chosen light based on the current electricity price in your country. Green colour indicates that electricity is currently cheap, while red indicates  higher prices. For prices falling somewhere in between, the light will display shades of green or red. With ePriceLight, you can make informed decisions about your energy usage and save money.



Philips Hue 


Philips Hue bridge

Operating modes

Real-time Mode

The picture above illustrates the logic of the real-time mode. In this example, the user has set the minimum and maximum thresholds at 5 and 25 c/kWh, respectively. The light's colour updates every hour to reflect the current electricity price.

2 h Average Mode

The picture above explains the logic of the 2 h average mode. The user has configured the minimum and maximum thresholds to be 5 and 25 c/kWh, respectively. At 19:50, the electricity price trend is showing a decline, and the ePriceLight indicator has turned light green, indicating that it's a good time for electricity consumption. For instance, this would be an ideal moment to charge an electric car or to use appliances such as a laundry machine or dishwasher.

The pilot is free of charge!


  • Philips Hue bridge connected to Wifi

  • Philips Hue smart light bulb or strip (colour)

  • Philips Hue developer account to grant permission. No coding skills required.

  • Residency in one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, or the Netherlands 

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